Visions and “La Cité des métiers” organization in Grand Roissy – Le Bourget, supported by Paris CDG Alliance, organized an event dedicated to guidance and innovation: “Guidance 2.0”. The first edition of this event was an opportunity to test innovative tools and to imagine new use cases. Discover the overview of everything that happened during this unique event!

15 innovative tools showcased during guidance 2.0

On June 21st, more than 120 professionals in the field of career guidance and orientation came together in addition to students and job seekers looking to explore different career paths. Participants had the opportunity to visit the event and to contribute to collaborative workshops.


During this event on orientation and innovation, they were able to explore 14 tools organized around 3 themes :

  • Self-discovery with NoClash, J’explore, Curiose and Visions
  • Discovering career paths with Orientoi, PitchBoy, Aptero, the Career Explorer and Becomino
  • Discovering skills with Hypnoledge, 5 Discovery, TrouveTaVoie

The national employment agency, Pôle Emploi was also present at the event showcasing the ‘Emploi Store’ app store on their portal. In addition, GowizzApp presented its solution for learning and helping integrate young people.

NOCLASH offers a ForrestCrush technology that allows the person to discover their psychological profile as well as the profiles with which they are often aligned and those with which they may have personality differences.

JEXPLORE, makes it possible to make known the reality of different careers to help the people to concretize their projects thanks to their solution in virtual reality.

CURIOSE accompanies people to find out what is unique in them through a personalized career guidance.

VISIONS offers a career & skills assessment tool. This tool is the result of the interconnection of three edtechs to a personal cloud that allows this information to be stored and shared easily. Thus, young people can benefit from better guidance from guidance professionals by sharing their assessment.

HYPNOLEDGE is a tool that allows you to learn and excel in foreign languages through a hypnosis method. This method is created by a psychologist, hypnotherapists and linguists.

5 DISCOVERY is a platform on inclusive soft skills in Virtual Reality, allowing the user to be immersed in a unique universe, discover his soft skills and train to acquire others.

TROUVE TA VOIE allows the individual to enter his or her professional experience or CV and to generate a certain number of acquired skills and a matching with relevant jobs in the area.

APTERO provides virtual campuses, metaverses and customizable virtual worlds. This immersive 3D web space technology integrates directly with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams. People will be able to explore the space created for the CDG airport and the learning lab to discover jobs.

PITCHBOY is a conversation simulator that allows you to train in a real situation and discover jobs: job interview simulations, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

ORIENTOI is a digital platform for identifying talents through games and discovering jobs adapted to the user’s personality.


is a platform that brings together nearly 400 videos with exploration modules, a career quiz and information sheets.

BECOMINO proposes a platform gathering various resources for each career, whatever the format: videos, trainings, books, tutorials, articles, safety sheets…

All of the tools presented during this event are connected to the same data network that enables each individual to control their data. This interconnection allows the person to find all of their data in a personal space, which they can then share with their counselor. In order to manage these data exchanges between platforms, Visions has developed a new platform, VisionsGalaxy.

4 co-creation workshops to brainstorm on new innovative uses for guidance

This event on guidance and innovation is part of the continuity of various projects that Visions and its partners are conducting. Supported by the Ile-de-France regional government and EdTech France, Visions participates in numerous projects such as:
– the creation of an interconnected career guidance assessment tool
– the implementation of a national and European skills data infrastructure with Prometheux-X.

This is why two technical workshops as well as two additional workshops on counselors’ needs were held during the Guidance 2.0 event.

Workshops on innovative uses for career counseling were organized in collaboration with actors from the SPRO network (Regional public service organizations for professional orientation) and Edtech France

  1. Workshop: The career orientation map with the regional actors in orientation

The professional “Orientation Metro” was led by Marion Cazal and Matthias De Bièvre. It brought together more than thirty participants, guidance professionals and edtechs.

During this workshop, participants imagined hybrid and complementary uses between guidance professionals and innovative solutions.

In order to cover the entire career path of a person, the participants were divided into sub-groups of 10 people. Each group was assigned one of the three main stages of a person’s career path, namely :
– Stage 1:Self discovery
– Step 2: Collecting information
– Step 3: Constructing a career path

Each group then reflected on the opportunities and risks linked to the use of digital tools to best support each individual. To conclude this workshop, the participants summarized the conclusions they reached, which are listed below.

Main risks identified :

Dehumanizing the counseling process:

Digital tools must not replace the counselor

Misinterpretation of the tool’s results:

The individual being counseled must understand that it is only a tool and not a definitive result


Digital divide :

not all beneficiaries have access to or the ability to use digital tools 

Main opportunities identified:


Since tools are fun and enjoyable, the beneficiary is more likely to use them in his or her counseling journey


the tools enable personalized recommendations and results according to the person’s profile



with VisionsGalaxy, the tools can be combined to form a coherent and complementary path for the beneficiary

Access to information:

thanks to digital technologies, the beneficiary can freely access numerous contents on jobs and training programs

Open-mindedness :

Thanks to the tools and to their interactive and personalized nature, the beneficiary discovers jobs and sectors that may have gone unnoticed


Based on the feedback received, the participants concluded that digital tools are a real asset for counseling individuals. Nevertheless, these tools must be used in an intelligent way and with human support.
Beyond the ideas expressed in this article, this workshop allowed us to imagine a new innovative solution for career orientation.
Moreover, one of the three groups imagined combining different tools (Curiose, Pitchboy, Orientoi) to establish a orientation path proposition. This proposition would allow the person to discover themselves and the jobs that may correspond. At each stage of the career orientation proposition, the person would be able to be accompanied by a counselor. In addition, the individual has the option to share with this counselor the results generated by each of these solutions, so that the counselor can best coach them.

This combination of interconnected tools and data sharing with counselors is possible thanks to VisionsGalaxy. This platform allows the interconnection of tools to a same data network enabling the individual to share their data with different actors (counselors, training, employment).
In order to implement this solution, these actors have agreed to meet in July to explore the project and its experimentation.

2. Workshop: Better support for the individual through digital tools with EdtechFrance

This dialogue workshop was led by Anne-Charlotte Monneret and Matthias De Bièvre and gathered more than 40 participants. During this workshop, participants were divided into 2 groups to identify :
– the major issues guidance professionals are facing
– imagining how tools can address them

The discussions and feedback from each group allowed us to identify the most important issues:

  • beneficiaries lacking motivation
  • beneficiaries’ unrealistic expectations about the possible career paths
  • beneficiaries underestimating the amount of work to be done when creating a professional transition plan
  • lack of funding to finance innovative tools

Once the key issues were identified, the participants were able to use VisionsGalaxy to browse the available tools. But also, to identify relevant tools to answer their problems.

This workshop came to the following conclusions :

  • different tools were deemed relevant: Orientoi, Curiose, J’explore, Pitchboy and TrouveTaVoie
  • innovative tools can help motivate people
  • tools help to show relevant projects for people if combined with a human approach

Just like the workshop “Orientation Metro”, this workshop resulted in the development of different projects. For this purpose, several appointments were made to continue the exchanges in order to implement these innovative ideas.

Technical workshops organized with Mindmatcher and Loria

  1. Workshop: Data interoperability with Mindmatcher

Led by Florent André and Matthias De Bièvre, this workshop brought together roughly 15 tools to :

  • Identify the common data the tools gather on their users
  • Agree on the same data format to allow the person’s profile to circulate between the different tools
  • Present an ontology of data related to orientation that has been launched in the framework of the Smart Orientation project led by Visions

At the end of this workshop, the group came to the conclusion that the soft skills data (personality, etc.) were a common feature of all tools. Therefore, it would be interesting to allow interoperability between them. In addition, several participating actors in guidance and counseling, as well as tools have gathered around this ontology.
These enriching exchanges will be used to develop this common ontology in this direction. They will also be used in the framework of Prometheus-X, with its national and European projects to build digital commons for the exchange of education and skills data.

2. The Workshop: Trusted AI with Loria

This workshop was led by researchers Azim Roussanaly and Chahrazed Labba from the LORIA research laboratory. In total, more than 15 edtech tools participated in this workshop. These actors discovered and exchanged on the trusted AI infrastructure developed by LORIA: the LOLA. An infrastructure that allows testing algorithms according to common indicators.
This workshop facilitated exchanges between a variety of actors and allowed participants to identify, for the guidance ecosystem, the main subjects where it is necessary to have a strong trust in the algorithm: recommendations (skills, professions, training, etc.).
Indeed, innovative guidance tools often propose to create a profile of the person and to make recommendations. It is therefore important to ensure that these recommendations are transparent and unbiased.

At the end of this workshop, the participants decided to work with LORIA on the issue of trust in the profiling done by these tools for guidance purposes.
The next steps are to:

  1. Determine precisely the trust indicators
  2. To calibrate LOLA with these algorithms
  3. To be able to evaluate these algorithms

It is also considered relevant to include this work in the Confiance.ia program of the French government. Key takeways from these workshops:

  1. There is no doubt that using innovative tools to support people in their career evolution is relevant.
  2. It is essential to be able to combine these tools in a coherent pathway and to be able to share the results with advisors throughout educational and career evolutions
  3. It is necessary to imagine shared financing options for these tools

Visions and the Cité des métiers du Grand Roissy – Le Bourget, supported by Paris CDG Alliance, give a positive assessment of this first edition of Guidance 2.0. This event on guidance and innovation offered many opportunities for edtechs and great discoveries for counselors.
Based on this experience, we are planning an upcoming edition of this event at the end of the year on employment or training.

Participants will be able to discover even more innovative tools and participate in other co-construction workshops. Do you want to participate in the next edition of this event as an exhibitor, speaker or visitor ? You can contact us at