Visions is committed to creating an open, ethical and decentralized data infrastructure.

Our vision for data infrastructure

We are working to create an open, ethical, sovereign and decentralized data infrastructure.

We aim for all fundamental mechanisms necessary for data circulation to be open and interoperable. This is how we create common elements for everyone to interconnect to the same data network and to ensure compliance with common rules. This is aligned with the logic and values of the open and decentralized Internet.
Each actor can choose to take these open-source elements and use them to interconnect to the network while respecting the legal and technical standards. Otherwise, each actor can use a service like VisionsTrust which provides them in a global and easy to use API.

These conditions of openness and interoperability prevent the appropriation of the infrastructure by a single actor. This allows the creation of a vast decentralized network, which is an essential condition for human progress and diversity.

We contribute our code and our activities to this effort.

Our contribution to Prometheus-X

Prometheus is an association under the French law of 1901 that aims to enable ethical, sovereign and human-centeric data circulation by developing, governing and financing data circulation services. It has the support of the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, ONISEP, INRIA, EdTech France, AFINEF, Editeurs d’Education, Pôle Emploi and many actors of education, training and employment who participate in its evolution.


Open source code on consent and contract management contributed.


Visions is a founding member of the board of directors.


Animation of the ecosystem to connect to the infrastructure.

Prometheus-X is a non-profit association that aims to govern and finance infrastructure services for the circulation of education and skills data. This infrastructure allows actors in these sectors to pool and share data in order to improve their services for personalized learning, training, orientation and employment.

Notre contribution au sein de GAIA- X

Gaia X met en place une infrastructure qui repose sur un écosystème numérique ouvert, transparent et sécurisé, où les données et les services sont mis à disposition, rassemblés et partagés dans un environnement de confiance.

Pour cela Gaia X s’appuie sur une équipe internationale issue de plusieurs centaines d’organisations travaillant ensemble à la création de la prochaine génération d’infrastructures de données.


Au sein du French Hub de GAIA X, Visions participe au groupe Education and Skills Data Space


Visions participe au groupe de travail technique sur le respect du consentement dans l’architecture GAIA X

GAIA X est un consortium à l’initiative franco- allemande pour la libre circulation des données non personnelles. Ce consortium a pour but la création d’infrastructures dans le domaine des compétences et de l’éducation.

GAIA-X is an international association for the free flow of data. GAIA-X works on the architecture and governance necessary for this flow.

Our contribution to GAIA- X

Gaia X is building an infrastructure based on an open, transparent and secure digital ecosystem, where data and services are made available, gathered and shared in a trusted environment.

To achieve this, Gaia X relies on an international team of several hundred organizations working together to create the next generation of data infrastructure.


Within the GAIA X French Hub, Visions participates in the Education and Skills Data Space group


Visions is participating in the technical working group on consent compliance in the GAIA architecture X

Our contribution to the creation of open source tools with the Rulebook project

We have been funded by the European Commission as part of the Next Generation Internet and its DAPSI program to create a blockchain-based tool to generate, sign and verify data exchange contracts between different organizations.

This tool is open source and available to data intermediaries wishing to facilitate contractualization in the ecosystems they operate.


Creation of a legal infrastructure to facilitate contract management


Contribution to the European infrastructure.

Rulebook is a legal infrastructure to automate the governance, contracts and agreements for data transfer between the individual, the data intermediary, the organizations generating the data and the organizations receiving the data.