Visions, the leading Personal Data Intermediary for data spaces in the E.U
In an era where data is the first economic resource, Visions has undertaken the mission to facilitate the flow of personal data through the interconnection of stakeholders, in a human-centric way.
Key milestones in our history
Creation of the company Visions
Creation of the first version of the VisionsTrust tool
Presentation to the European Commission of the white paper written with over 50 organizations.
First data circulation project launched with the Lyli project.
Launch of aNewGovernance
Improvement of VisionsTrust and first connected edtechs.
Launch of a data space strategy by the European Commission as well as funds for the creation of an infrastructure, participation of Visions via aNewGovernance.
Launch of the Skills Alliance by Visions within aNewGovernance
Visions wins the Oriane Trophy from the Ile-de-France region and the DAPSI award from the European Commission.
Beginning of our collaboration with the Ministry of Education in the framework of the European strategy for the creation of a skills data space and a national infrastructure by Prometheus-X.
20 edtechs connected to VisionsTrust and numerous partners.
Official creation of Prometheus-X of which Matthias De Bièvre becomes the president and Visions is selected to provide the consent and contractualization components.
Visions participates in a consortium comprising 14 major European organizations to create a Data Space for Skills (DS4Skills). DS4Skills is funded by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe program.
Prometheus-X secures funding from the BPI (Public Investment Bank) call for projects on “Digital Platforms and Data Sharing for Industries” to build infrastructure and deploy innovative use cases in the fields of guidance, education, training, and professional integration.
Visions receives two awards: the My Data Operator award for the VisiosnTrust API and the My Data in Practice award for VisionsGalaxy.
Prometheus-X is awarded 20 million € by the European Commission to deploy a human-centric data sharing infrastructure across 8 countries. Visions is the main partner.

Our Mission: Creating Personal Data Ecosystems and Facilitating Data Flow
Visions is committed to building open and ethical personal data ecosystems that are centered around human needs. The creation of these ecosystems unleashes the potential of personal data to drive innovation, foster collaboration among private and public stakeholders, and encourage the implementation of innovative use cases. Our goal is to promote both individual and organizational growth by establishing trusted digital ecosystems.
We also work on multiple projects aimed at establishing advanced technological infrastructure and governance protocols, thereby facilitating secure access, sharing, and exchange of personal data.

Our values are our DNA

At Visions, innovation is our essence. Every day we try to solve the problem of access and control of your data with new solutions. It is important to us to offer you the most modern tool that evolves with you.

Whether it is with our users, our partners or our colleagues, we work together in a spirit of sharing. We like to work in a collaborative way: every remark or constructive idea is an opportunity to improve.

We seek to improve society and help individuals achieve their potential. In each of our actions we take into account the impact that it will have on society. We aim to reduce social inequalities in education and employment.

Our awards and certifications

Visions is a certified MYData Operator, which is an award given to human-centric companies that work on personal data management and sharing.
An adventure between several organizations
We work with major national, European and international players to ensure you have full control over your data.