During the 2022 Spring Orientation Event (Printemps de l’Orientation 2022), we had the opportunity to test our tool on a larger audience. Visions was invited by the Cité des métiers du Grand Roissy le Bourget, where more than 60 people used the orientation assessment tool and gave us their feedback.

What is the Spring Orientation Event ?

Organized in March, the Spring Orientation Event aims to help and accompany young people in their first and second years of high school in order to best prepare for their upcoming career choices. In addition to choosing a course of study, each high school student is encouraged to think about his or her career plans.
This event is part of specific time allotted for career guidance and is a continuation of the career guidance weeks in high schools.
During the week, several face-to-face or online meetings are available in schools or with partnering organizations. The Cité des métiers du Grand Roissy – Le Bourget supported by Paris CDG Alliance – a partner in this event – proposed meetings, conferences and workshops, including a workshop with Visions.

The idea behind the career assessment workshops

During this 2022 edition of the Spring Orientation Event on Monday, March 14, Visions led seven workshops. Each 25-minute workshop overall enabled more than 60 students and career guidance professionals to test our career assessment tool.

This tool is the result of the interconnection of three edtechs to a personal cloud that allows personal information to be stored and shared easily. Thus, young people can benefit from better guidance from guidance professionals by sharing their assessments.

These career assessment workshops have helped young people to :
– Gain confidence for their upcoming interviews or internships
– Discover new careers
– Identify their soft skills
– Learn more about themselves
– Identify jobs that are compatible with their personality and their ideal jobs

Since choosing a career path is not always easy for young people, we have noticed a strong interest on their behalf in discovering themselves and new professions through games.

Some outstanding quotes:

«It’s great to play games and find a job »

« I like talking with Georges (the JobReady chatbot), I discover a lot of things about myself »

« It’s cool to test this today but I can’t wait to play the games at home »

If you would also like to organize a workshop with Visions, feel free to send an email to Mackenzie Himmelbauer mackenzie@visionspol.eu !