VisionsGalaxy is a tool created to best cater to the needs of your beneficiaries, and is fully customized according to your needs. Whether choosing your tools or selecting the training catalog, this tool can be easily adapted.


VisionsGalaxy, a simple path for the person

For your beneficiaries, the personalization of VisionsGalaxy guarantees them a fun and fluid experience. In application, people are offered the following experience :

  1. The organization that accompanies them sends them a specific link to access the personalized tool
  2. The person is redirected to the VisionsGalaxy page
  3.  Once the registration form is filled in, the person accesses an experience with :
    – The tool(s) chosen by the organization to define its profile
    – Jobs in one or more sectors
  4. Training and/or job offers, internships and work-study programs from the catalogs selected by the organization and according to the desired geographical area
  5. The person can apply to the training offers by sending his profile to the training organizations and to the accompanying organization

VisionsGalaxy adapts to the territorial needs of local organizations

Visions works with the ARML IDF on the customization of the VisionsGalaxy tool to meet the needs of their counselors and the public they accompany.

For this purpose, the VisionsGalaxy tool has been customized at several levels:

1/ The tools proposed to people to define their profile.
RML IDF has chosen to use the Orientoi tool. This tool allows their public to identify :
– their talents
– their skills,
– the jobs, sectors and professional contexts that interest them.

2/ The context applied to the proposed career paths
In order to respond to the problem of recruitment in certain trades and sectors on the territory, the ARML IDF has opted for the implementation of a context linked to jobs experiencing recruitment difficulties. This feature enables users to discover jobs that are experiencing recruitment difficulty in Île-de-France.

3/ The training catalog used in the matching process
Once the profile of the person and the jobs in tension have been selected, a matching process is carried out to offer them the corresponding training courses. In the case of the ARML IDF, the training offers are taken from the OrianeForm Pro catalog.


VisionsGalaxy adapts to all audiences (CIDJ) 

VisionsGalaxy interconnects a large number of platforms that address different age groups. This wide choice of tools offers the possibility to customize the proposed tools according to the profile and needs of your beneficiaries, similar to the CIDJ.

VisionsGalaxy has been adapted to the young people that CIDJ accompanies by customizing :

1/ The tools proposed to people to define their profile.
CIDJ has chosen to propose 2 tools:

ORIENTOI is a digital platform for identifying talents through games and discovering jobs adapted to the user’s personality.

Juste$alaire is an AI that allows to identify from a resume :
– The skills
– The average salary on the market according to their experience

2/ The type of offer

In order to respond to the difficulties of young people to find a job and for some the lack of qualifications, the CIDJ has chosen to include both job and training offers.

3/ The training and employment catalogs used in the matching

The CIDJ chose to use two training catalogs, the ONISEP catalog and the CPF catalog. For job offers, the VisionsGalaxy tool has been calibrated to propose job offers from their partnering organizations.


VisionsGalaxy adapts to your events  

VisionsGalaxy is a tool with multiple uses, especially during events. VisionsGalaxy has already been used during the OPEN GEN and more recently during the Semaine du Numérique Hauts-de-France.
During the Semaine du Numérique Hauts-de-France, the tool has been customized with :

1/ The tools offered to people to define their profile.
As this is an event in the Hauts-de-France region, the tool chosen is an actor of this territory, OrienToi.

2/ The training catalog used in the matching
The tool was parameterized to display only the training offers of the partner actors of this event. The use of VisionsGalaxy is a great addition to the other activities proposed during this week.

If you wish to customize the VisionsGalaxy tool for your structure, please contact Mackenzie Himmelbauer at !