On May 16, 2023, Visions conducted an exciting co-construction workshop with ten Tingari advisors. The objective of this event was to explore and customize VisionsGalaxy, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to career guidance and employment integration. This article delves into the highlights of this enriching workshop and presents a concrete case of customizing the matching journey within VisionsGalaxy.


Strategic Selection of Tools and Catalogs for a Tailored Matching Journey

1/ Discovery and Tool Selection

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to explore VisionsGalaxy and its interconnected set of 20 available tools. This exploration allowed them to choose three tools that they wished to incorporate into their organization’s personalized journey. This journey would later be offered to individuals they support in defining their profiles, including:

  • Identifying their talents
  • Assessing their skills
  • Exploring desired occupations, sectors, and professional contexts.


Based on the selected tools, Tingari advisors assigned them to two distinct objectives within the personalized journey: employment or training. The tool allocation for each objective was as follows:

  • Employment Objective: My softskill – Orientoi – Interviewapp
  • Training Objective: Orientoi – Becomino – Study advisor

Additionally, participants determined the order in which the tools would be presented to beneficiaries.


2/ Selection of Catalogs for Matching with Offers

Regarding the matching with offers, Tingari selected the following catalogs:

  • CPF and Onisep for training offer matching
  • Pôle emploi, Indeed, and Linkedin for job offer matching

This selection ensures the provision of tailored training and employment opportunities to the individuals they support.


3/ Selection of Relevant Statistics

In order to provide valuable insights, Visions collaborated with Tingari to create a personalized dashboard based on data from users within the personalized journey. Two key statistics were chosen:

  • For training choices: The most sought-after training programs among beneficiaries.
  • For employment choices: The most sought-after occupations among beneficiaries.

Improvements Suggested during the Workshop for VisionsGalaxy

Based on discussions and participant feedback, several recommendations were made to enhance VisionsGalaxy:
· Include an option for undecided users who are torn between training and employment, helping them address concerns and make well-informed decisions.
· Provide detailed explanations for the inclusion of each tool, allowing users to better understand their utility and maximize their benefits.
· Offer training programs based on the geographical region specified during registration.
· Consider incorporating other types of job offers, including temporary positions.

Currently, the initial prototype will only focus on job offers. The next step will involve developing the first prototype of the personalized matching journey for Tingari, followed by testing and making necessary adjustments.

The workshop served as a crucial milestone in customizing the VisionsGalaxy journey for Tingari. Participant feedback also highlighted opportunities for improvement, aiming to provide a seamless experience for users seeking training and employment opportunities that align with their aspirations and skills.

Don’t hesitate to embark on an exploration of VisionsGalaxy to invigorate your organization’s approach !