On April 7th, Visions was present at the event “L’Aéroport recrute!” Invited by Paris CDG Alliance, our team helped numerous individuals conduct orientation assessments to help job seekers define their professional project.


“L’Aéroport recrute!”: a new innovative recruitment format

Organized by Paris CDG Alliance, this large-scale recruitment event offers a new format for more than 2,000 job offers to be filled. More than 21 companies from the airport and aeronautics industry were present.

These companies and structures of employment and training of the territory are : Groupe 3S – Alyzia, GROUPE EUROPE HANDLING SA, HAUTE HOSPITALITE, GROUPE CITY ONE, OTESSA, Securitas France, DE RICHEBOURG, Lagardère, Swatch Ltd, Ladurée Paris, EPiGO, Fidelia, ICTS Europe, SERIS France, Hubsafe, WFS | ORBITAL, TCR, HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Groupe ADP and Pro Emploi.

Supported by the Cité des métiers du Grand Roissy – Le Bourget supported by Paris CDG Alliance and its surroundings and in partnership with the Department of Seine-et-Marne, the Departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, the Department of Val d’Oise, the DRIEETS of Île-de-France, the Pays de Meaux Communauté d’Agglomération – CAPM, Paris Terres d’Envol, Roissy Pays de France Agglomération and Pôle emploi.

This day offered candidates a new format in two sessions:

– A morning dedicated to people who have all the prerequisites expected by companies.
– An afternoon dedicated to people motivated to work in an airport environment, whatever their skill level.

In addition to the job offers, this event was an opportunity for participants to :

– Train for interviews with a simulator
– Define their professional project with the Visions career assessment
– Test their English with the regional tool Qioz


1st feedback on the augmented career assessment tool

Originally, the career assessment tool was the interconnection of three edtechs to a personal cloud that allows this information to be stored and shared easily.

This allows individuals to:
– chat with a chatbot to identify soft skills (and their level) with JobReady

– play mini-games to identify personality traits and suggest jobs, sectors and professional contexts corresponding to their personality with OrienToi

– receive an email proposing, according to the selected jobs, different educational resources (to go further in their thoughts) with Inokufu

At “L’Aéroport recrute!” Visions enhanced its career assessment with a Jobmatching tool.

In application, the career assessment is interconnected with a fourth technology. This technology, Palm, enables a matching between the job offers of the event and the soft skills/personality traits identified in the candidate.

Overall, more than 600 candidates were able to be interviewed, including 200 who completed the Visions enhanced orientation assessment!

If you would like to organize a workshop or use the Visions Career Assessment or Jobmatching tool, please send an email to Just send an email to Mackenzie Himmelbauer mackenzie@visionspol.eu !