Discover the first data space marketplace for skills data and AI services with VisionsTrust!

Explore a dynamic marketplace of data and AI services in the field of education, learning and human resources. Our platform offers you a unique opportunity to share your data assets and AI services securely, while ensuring compliance with GDPR and data governance regulations.

Join a European ecosystem bringing together market leaders, and monetise your data and AI services on a large scale.

This solution is based on open-source components, compliant with the MyData architecture and the standards developed within the frameworks of DSSC, Gaia-X, IDSA, and Prometheus-X.


registered organisations

data products

available services


Boost your data, AI services, and projects through interconnection in the skills data space

Transform your projects into tangible solutions with the VisionsTrust data and AI services marketplace. By integrating your data, services, and projects within the skills data space, you gain access to an interconnected ecosystem where data exchanges are facilitated by strong data governance and optimal interoperability. Eliminate integration time for new partners, data sets, and APIs.


Provider: Publish your data assets and services to make them available to 280 partners in education and human resources, benefit from simplified monetisation of your data and AI services.


Project leader: Accelerate the operationalisation of your projects while creating innovative use cases within the skills data space for your projects in:

  • Analytics: Generate statistics on education, employment, and skills.
  • Matching: Match individuals with training and jobs, close skills gaps, and personalise the learning experience.
  • Forecasting: Predict future skills and training needs.

Join the 280 leading organisations in education that use the VisionsTrust marketplace

Advanced features to propel your data products, AI services, and projects

Exploration of data products, AI services, and projects

Discover a wide range of data products, AI services, and skills projects available in our catalogue. Find what you need quickly with our filtering by data type, services, and data space use cases, along with our search engine and personalised recommendations. Stay informed of the latest opportunities with our real-time notifications, helping you optimise the monetisation of your data and AI services.

Publication of data products, AI services, and projects

Easily distribute your data products, AI services, and projects to a wide range of organisations. Our AI data and services marketplace allows you to quickly and securely publish your resources, creating customised offers that precisely meet the needs of organisations and innovative projects while ensuring the confidentiality and governance of your sensitive data.

Advanced project configuration

As a project leader, our data and AI services marketplace allows you to precisely define data governance and business models tailored to your project, drawing on solid references such as the Sitra Rulebook and the DS4Skills blueprint. This setup also enables the integration and strengthening of trust among partners within your ecosystem.

Exploration of data products, AI services, and projects

Discover a wide range of data products, AI services, and skills projects available in our catalogue. Find what you need quickly with our filtering by data type, services, and data space use cases, along with our search engine and personalised recommendations. Stay informed of the latest opportunities with our real-time notifications, helping you optimise the monetisation of your data and AI services.

Personal data intermediary and consent management

Facilitate the exchange of personal data and GDPR compliance through our personal data intermediary. Easily generate consents for smooth data exchanges. The VisionsTrust personal data intermediary enhances your control over your data as well as for your users, while ensuring full compliance with current regulations.

Data Space Connector

Facilitate the connectivity of your data and AI services within the ecosystem through VisionsTrust’s Data Space Connector, developed as part of Prometheus-X. Simplify data exchanges between different platforms, systems, or organisations while ensuring user privacy and consent. With minimal configuration required, easily integrate this connector for quick adoption without technical constraints.

How does the VisionsTrust marketplace work?

Sign up on the marketplace

Create your account for free in just a few moments.

Add your data, AI services, and projects

Publish your data offers, services, and projects on our catalogue.

Explore recommendations tailored to your needs

Get matched with the most relevant opportunities in the ecosystem.

Share and use data and services with confidence

Manage the use of your data and services by precisely defining the policies applicable to each offer and contract. Automatically exchange your data and services with the ecosystem according to your contracts.

Do you have data, AI services, or a data space use case project in skills?

Explore the VisionsTrust marketplace and participate in the European data space developed by Prometheus-X to securely share your skills data and AI services and bring your project to life. Contact our experts for more information!

A marketplace approved by Prometheus-X: A reliable and recognised standard

The VisionsTrust marketplace, approved by Prometheus-X, represents a reliable and recognised standard in the data space field. This certification ensures that VisionsTrust adheres to industry standards and best practices through its platform.

The VisionsTrust marketplace applies the MyData architecture by implementing the principles and technical specifications defined by the MyData initiative regarding data privacy, security, and interoperability for the management and control of users’ personal data.

In line with Gaia-X standards, VisionsTrust creates a secure and interoperable data infrastructure, enhancing data sovereignty and user trust while adhering to security, privacy, and governance criteria.

VisionsTrust integrates the rulebook into its contracting service by using agreement templates that encompass the legal, commercial, technical, and administrative aspects of data exchange. To ensure compliance, it also offers model codes of conduct to govern the responsibilities and obligations of organisations.

The VisionsTrust solution applies the DS4Skills blueprint as a framework for configuring use cases. It also guides the proposed business models, the development of governance, technical architecture, and the user experience (UX) of the platform, ensuring optimal use of the data space.

Discover the other key features of VisionsTrust!

Publication of data products and AI services

Exploration of data products and AI services

Project configuration: governance and business model

Contracting data exchanges

Transaction and data sharing management