Facilitate data transactions and sharing

With VisionsTrust’s data transaction feature, you can exchange data securely and confidently, whether within a project related to a data space use case or with external partners.

Our marketplace offers a comprehensive solution to manage every step of the data exchange process, from contracting to the finalisation of the exchange, all in a decentralised manner.

This solution is based on open-source components, compliant with the MyData architecture and the standards developed within the frameworks of DSSC, Gaia-X, IDSA, and Prometheus-X.

registered organisations

data products

available services

Boost data exchanges securely

The VisionsTrust marketplace revolutionises data sharing for your business or data-sharing projects. Our platform offers comprehensive data transaction management, enabling you to fully leverage your data with complete confidence.

Data interoperability

VisionsTrust removes barriers to data sharing so that data can be reused without delay in third-party software and your organisation’s business applications. Our system ensures data compatibility and interoperability through automatic translators. These translators convert your data to and from standard data space formats, enabling you to exchange data seamlessly, regardless of the format used.

Data quality

Thanks to a reliable infrastructure based on MyData and our powerful APIs, the VisionsTrust marketplace ensures the integrity of exchanged data. Every data transaction is meticulously verified to ensure its accuracy and authenticity, thereby guaranteeing the quality of shared information. Additionally, our platform offers transparent traceability, allowing you to track data transactions. This system is particularly valuable in cases involving multiple parties, such as in a data ecosystem.

Data governance and security

Data security is our top priority. With robust protocols in place, you can be confident that your data is secure during exchanges. Our platform goes beyond mere data protection by also ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and user consent requirements. This allows you to remain compliant with the strictest data management standards.

Easily control access to your data with our authentication tool and share the right data with the right people, ensuring effective data governance, particularly within the context of a project.

Comprehensive transaction management

With the VisionsTrust marketplace, you benefit from comprehensive management of permissions. Ensuring appropriate and secure access to shared data can be complex, especially when multiple parties are involved. Managing access permissions and levels of authorisation requires careful attention to prevent data leaks or misuse.

Easy integration

The VisionsTrust marketplace integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, allowing you to start data exchanges quickly without technical constraints. Our open-source platform offers you the freedom to migrate to other solutions at any time, without any restrictions.

Integrated personal and organisational data intermediary

With VisionsTrust, you retain full control over your data. For each transaction, we verify the policies and permissions that apply to your data offerings. Our platform gives you total control over who can access your information and under what conditions, including for your users. Our tool enables the management of individual consents, both for personal and organisational data, in full compliance with GDPR. Additionally, our data space connector simplifies your data exchanges by automating transactions according to the rules established in the contract.

Do you want to optimise and standardise your data transactions?

Discover today how VisionsTrust can simplify your data exchanges. Contact us for a personalised demonstration and start enjoying the benefits of our platform for trusted and human-centric data transactions.

A marketplace approved by Prometheus-X: A reliable and recognised standard

The VisionsTrust marketplace, approved by Prometheus-X, represents a reliable and recognised standard in the data space field. This certification ensures that VisionsTrust adheres to industry standards and best practices through its platform.

The VisionsTrust marketplace applies the MyData architecture by implementing the principles and technical specifications defined by the MyData initiative regarding data privacy, security, and interoperability for the management and control of users’ personal data.

In line with Gaia-X standards, VisionsTrust creates a secure and interoperable data infrastructure, enhancing data sovereignty and user trust while adhering to security, privacy, and governance criteria.

VisionsTrust integrates the rulebook into its contracting service by using agreement templates that encompass the legal, commercial, technical, and administrative aspects of data exchange. To ensure compliance, it also offers model codes of conduct to govern the responsibilities and obligations of organisations.

The VisionsTrust solution applies the DS4Skills blueprint as a framework for configuring use cases. It also guides the proposed business models, the development of governance, technical architecture, and the user experience (UX) of the platform, ensuring optimal use of the data space.

Discover the other key features of VisionsTrust!

Publication of data products and AI services

Exploration of data products and AI services

Project configuration: governance and business model

Contracting data exchanges

Transaction and data sharing management